Advice for Women in Relationships

Here is some of the best women relationship advice you can get: he may look good from the outside, but from the inside it’s a whole different story. Sometimes it’s better to just leave the package wrapped and move on. Here are some tell tale signs that he is not worth your time:

He can’t hold a job: If he leaves before putting up pictures on his desk, he’s not into commitment.

His mother calls to “fix a fight”: He obviously can’t hold his own and is afraid of confrontation. Not much of a manly-man.

He refuses to cook a meal: If he says he can burn a salad, than offer a few friendly lessons. If he refuses, he’s just plain lazy and doesn’t like making an effort.

You’re constantly making excuses for him: If you spend more time defending him and making excuses as to WHY he’s mister right, he’s probably Mr. Wrong.

He doesn’t include you in celebrations: If it’s his birthday or he got a big promotion and he goes out without you, this isn’t a good sign.

It’s OK to have a checklist of do’s and don’ts, but that doesn’t mean every man you meet will live up to them. Chances of that are slim! Don’t have unreasonable expectations for perfection and you won’t be let down.

There’s not a man out there that is perfect, but don’t settle for one if he treats you badly just because he has a few good qualities. If your guy has any or all of the above traits, it may be time to replace him. This is the kind of women relationship advice that more women could use to make good dating choices.