Did you make the pimples worse! (1)

For children with acne, take care of acne regularly. But are you frustrated that your acne won’t go away and gets worse? So the question is, have you made your acne worse! It is.

Acne is a common health problem and there are many different types of acne. Among these pimples, there are pimples that produce small white hairs, and there are also salt pimples that produce black hairs. Pimples that come out like this will heal if you take care of them.

When taking care of this, you need to use the right method. If not taken care of properly, existing pimples can get worse and more pimples can appear. So, let’s learn together what habits can make acne worse.

What is salt acne?

To make it easier to understand, acne is caused by excess oil in the pores on the face and the blockage of dead cells on the facial skin.

Salt acne is also a type of acne. It is usually common on the face. back, Chest and shoulders are also prone to pimples. I have seen some of them even in the ears.

You might think that pimples are black because they are dirty. Not really. Fat inside the skin It turns black due to exposure of dead cells and oxygen from the outside air.