How to treat burns at home

Accidental burns may occur while cooking or on the go. Can’t get burned from the kitchen.

You may get hot while using an iron, or you may get scalded by falling over while drinking coffee.

Burns are a common injury. I would like to tell you how to treat such common burns at home.

A Glimpse of Burns

Burns can be classified according to the severity of the injuries. Burning pain

First-degree burn – damage to the skin layer. It may be a little painful and there may be some redness and swelling.

Second-degree burn – a type of burn injury that reaches the inner layer of the skin. There may be small blisters or white spots on the skin, and the skin’s crust may be pale and tight.

Third-degree burn – all layers of the skin are damaged. You need emergency medical treatment.

Fourth-degree burn – All layers of the skin are damaged, as well as joints and bones. You will need emergency medical treatment.