How to treat injuries at home?

If the burn is not too severe, it can be treated at home. Among the burn injuries, first degree burn and second-degree burn can be cured by treatment at home.

Wash it off with cold water

Wash the burned area with cold water. Everyone already knows how to wash it off with cold water whenever you get burned.

Clean the wound

After washing the wound with cold water, the wound needs to be washed thoroughly. Wash with a mild antibacterial soap, do not scrub harshly.

Cleaning the wound can prevent infection and prevent secondary diseases.

Use a bandage

Small burns do not need to be bandaged. If the affected burn is a second-degree burn with small blisters, there is no need for a bandage.

If the wound has broken the surface of the skin, to prevent germs and dust from the environment from entering the wound, cover the wound with a bandage or use a clean cloth. Don’t put a plaster on the wound. Place a small bandage over the wound and then apply a plaster.

Use some antibiotics

If the blisters on the wound have developed, the outer layer of skin is no longer there, so the infection can easily enter the wound, so apply some antibiotic cream on the wound. This rolling will prevent infection from entering the wound and will speed up healing.

Do not expose to the sun

Do not expose the burn to direct sunlight. Because it can make the wound worse. If you go out in the sun, cover the wound with a bandage.

Aloe vera

burning fire You can apply aloe vera gel on oil burns and hot water burns to maintain moisture. Aloe vera can relieve burns. Aloe vera can reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and prevent bacteria from growing.


According to studies, honey has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. If you apply a thin layer of honey to the burn area, it will prevent infection and reduce the pain.