
In summer, due to the pollen in the air, people suffer from asthma.


Jaundice is caused by consuming unclean drinking water and food. To prevent jaundice in summer, you should drink boiled water and eat only foods with low fat content.


Typhoid is caused by a bacteria called Salmonella typhi. When suffering from typhoid, stomach ache, headache, You may experience weight loss and a feeling of lack of energy.


Chickenpox is a disease caused by a virus called Varicella zoster. Because this pathogen thrives in wet areas, it is necessary to spray insecticides in water tanks and vegetable gardens.


Measles is a serious disease that usually occurs in children. Measles is caused by the paramyxo virus.

It is a serious infectious disease along the throat. Get children vaccinated against measles.

Back pain

Back pain is common among housewives who spend the whole day working around the house. Back pain is common due to being overweight and carrying heavy household items.

We aim to know the symptoms mentioned above and prevent the disease from occurring in the summer.