Pimples growing on the face tell the health condition
If the eye is the window of the mind, the face is the window of the body. The reason I say this is because some things on the face indicate symptoms that the body is experiencing. According to the location of the acne on the face, it signals the diseases that you are suffering from inside.
The pimples on your face tell about your health
Pimples on the face indicate the diseases the body is suffering from. If you want to know why you have pimples, let’s keep looking.
Above the eyebrows
Pimples above the eyebrows indicate that the liver and gall bladder are not good. If you have acne in these areas, you will need to cut down on processed foods and ready-to-eat foods. Fats also need to be reduced.
Between the two eyebrows
Acne between the two eyebrows is caused by smoking, It may indicate that you are drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages or that you are exposed to a lot of second-hand smoke. So fatty foods, butter, Do not eat cheese. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
On the nose
A pimple on the nose indicates that the lungs and heart are not good. If this is the case, spicy foods, meat, Salt should be reduced. fruits, Nuts should be given a lot. Blood pressure should be regulated regularly. You need to eat more B vitamins.
Left cheek
If you have a lot of pimples on the left side of your face, your liver health is poor. Sleep well, We need to work on providing balanced nutrition.
Right cheek
A lot of acne on the right cheek is a sign of bad lungs. So doing aerobic exercise, In the morning, do breathing exercises that will strengthen your lungs. Sweet foods, Eat as few snacks as possible. Also eat less things like seafood and wine.
Around the mouth
This is because the diet is wrong. digestive system Poor gut and liver health can also cause pimples around the mouth. Eat less spicy food. Reduce fried foods as much as possible. Eat more fiber. fruits, Eat more vegetables.
Due to imbalance of hormones in the body. Acne on the chin can also be caused by stress. Eat enough omega-3. Drink hot green tea.
Pimples on the face are not only because the skin is healthy, but also because the organs may be unhealthy, so we want to take care of them.