Skin benefits provided by Retinol 2

Relieves stretch marks

Stretch marks are during pregnancy, When you are very fat and when you are very thin, the skin is flat, Scars caused by contractions.

These scars are pink, There can be various red, purple, etc. Retinol can be used to reduce these scars.

Retinol should not be used during pregnancy as it may harm the fetus. Instead, you can use vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid.

Reduces wrinkles

As we age, the skin’s ability to retain moisture decreases, and the production of collagen in the skin decreases, causing wrinkles to form in the skin.

To reduce these wrinkles, you can use retinol. Retinol can stimulate collagen production. You will need to spend time.

Makes the skin even and beautiful

One of the many effects of retinol is that it stimulates the production of new skin cells and removes dead cells.

By removing these dead cells, the skin produces collagen, making the skin firmer and beautiful, making the skin even and beautiful.

Now …. Retinol can provide such beautiful skin. So, to solve skin problems, you need to use Retinol regularly.

Retinol makes the skin healthy!

Using retinol
Reduces acne
Heals acne scars
Reduces stigma
Adjust pores
Smooth skin
Soothes stretch marks
Reduces wrinkles