What are the symptoms of albinism (congenital skin color and gray hair)?

The most common symptoms are:

Skin problem

Due to the pigmentation problem that causes skin color, the skin of these people varies from white to brown. In addition, they are almost identical to the skin of their parents and relatives who do not have this disease.

Dry mole

Pigmented mole or non-pigmented mole. Unpigmented moles usually appear as pink spots. Brown spots also occur as dry moles.

The absence of black

hair . Due to pigmentation problems, the hair color of people with this disease varies from white to brown. In adolescence, the hair color can be dark or dark.

Eye color. Due to a pigment problem, the eye color of people with this disease varies from light blue to brown and changes with age.


natural skin color The visual symptoms of people with gray hair are…

• Rapid uncontrollable back and forth movement of the eyes (Nystagmus)

• Two eyes cannot look at an object at the same time or move at the same time

• Myopia or nearsightedness

• Intolerance to light

• Blurred vision due to abnormal curvature of the outer surface of your eye or the lens inside the eye.

There may be other symptoms not listed above. For more complete information, you can consult your doctor.