Why do they have gray hair at such a young age?
It is natural for people to have gray hair. When I get old, I will have gray hair. But what if you are young and have gray hair?
Having gray hair at such a young age is called premature graying. Since it is no longer natural, here are the things you should know medically.
There are many reasons for gray hair. smoking food A lifestyle such as improper hair care can also cause gray hair at a young age. Other causes include vitamin B12 deficiency, These include hormonal imbalance and premature menopause.
As a person ages, their ability to synthesize normal amounts of the melanin pigment (which makes hair black) declines. That’s why the hair became white.
So, if you know the reasons for this abnormal graying, you can do the proper treatment and maintenance, so if you have gray hair at a young age, be careful of the following points that you may have.